Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I had coffee with a new friend yesterday and she asked me about my Thanksgiving. I have been joking about it for the last few weeks, knowing that I am cooking and thinking that means a lot more work than I am used to having to put forth! As I began to explain the circumstances that have caused us Mortensens to be alone for the holiday this year, I noticed that she had tears rolling down her cheeks. I marveled at her ability to empathize, but thought little more about it. Until a few minutes ago.

I just sat down to write an email to my brother in law, Jack, asking him for a few recipes that I feel are "must haves" in order for my Thanksgiving dinner to be a success. There is just something about the way this man makes peas, and his sweet potatoes are my absolute favorites, not to mention the fact that his gravy is always perfect! I know that I have been spoiled. Each holiday, for the past 14 years since Andy and I moved to Southwest Florida with our two daughters, Tara and Tessa, we have been able to join the Stinziano festivities, where I would be asked to bring absolutely nothing because he is an amazing cook, and would have it no other way.

As I wrote the email, I, like my friend the day before, had tears running down my cheeks. I realize now that the Lord gave me the sweetest blessing in allowing us to be involved with the Stinziano family for so many years. My sister Diane was the one who turned me on to Jesus, as she led me to pray a prayer of total surrender to Him in her sunroom in Syracuse, New York in 1987. She was the one who encouraged me to come with her to church where I fell head over heels in love with Him. For years we talked every day about all that the Lord was doing in my life, and in hers. She instilled in me a love for His Word, and for that I am eternally grateful. I remember when Diane told me that she was moving to Naples, Florida. I was so sad. I also remember a short time later, reading in my Bible of a girl who declared to her mother in law that where she went, Ruth would go too, that her mother in law's people would be her people too, and that her God would be Ruth's God too. I remember feeling as though the Lord was telling me that these verses applied to my relationship with my sister. I was blessed to watch that play out within a few years when Andy and I packed up our belongings, and our 2 little girls and moved to Naples as well.

Psalm 68:6 says God places the lonely in families.

All I can say is this, we were lonely when we first moved to Florida. We had left all of our friends and family in Syracuse, and we were lonely. God placed us strategically in close proximity to my sister and brother in law. He did it for our good. We needed what they had to offer. In this family we witnessed up close and personal the reality that Christ is all we need, that He is enough. We have recently watched this truth play out in Jordan's life as he mourns the loss of his beloved Maggie, but stands firm on the foundation of Jesus Christ. For that I am thankful.

I love the fact that the whole thing has shifted. That because Jordan and his family are doing God's work in Syracuse now, that Jack and Diane have established themselves in Syracuse to walk with him. They are a phenomenal support for Jordan as he is raising his four children without Maggie. I love the fact that because they are there, my sister Debby can experience the joy of being connected closely to this family who loves Jesus, and displays that love through their daily lives, I love that my two other sisters, and their husbands can watch it as well. I love that my mother is there now too, for as long as she desires to remain there. I miss them all tremendously, but am thrilled that the Lord is doing a new thing in my world. He is teaching me how to be that kind of household, and I am excited to see where this new path leads.

I am also trusting Him to infuse me with His strength and power to go the distance with Him, day by day. Even when one of those days in the very near future means that I have to make the gravy!!